Thursday, 31 July 2014

Bad News - Diabetes

So today's blogpost is going to be a serious one, i wanted to write this to see if I could find anyone in the same situation as me because i know not many people are.

Two weeks ago i was diagnosed with diabetes. Honestly when the doctor told me i was completely distraught, and i cried non stop for about a hour and then some because i thought my life was over, but honestly it wasn't. Lets go back to the beginning and how I found out. For about 3 weeks before i had been really ill, i had been sleeping most of the day everyday and I had no energy to do anything and other things i wont go into detail with, i went to the doctors and they told me i had summer flu, they gave me some medicine and a week later i felt no better if not i felt worse. Like I mentioned in the last blogpost my nan had noticed i had lost weight, when i had weighed myself i found out that i had lost 1 stone, that may not sound much but with me being so small anyone i was now really underweight and my bones were showing really bad. My mum and nan were like ok this is serious now this cant be summer flu, maybe its anaemia because i had been having irregular periods and maybe it was that so i went to the doctors again.

The doctors then sent me to the hospital for blood tests which i was really worried about because of my phobia of needles, it turned out fine and they told me they would contact me in 3 days with the results, so i went away to wait for my call.  The next day i got a call telling me to come in straight away they needed to discuss my results asap. I was really worried at this point so me my mum and my nan went to the doctors where he told me i had sugar in my urine. I didn't know what this meant but then he said the D word. My first thought was please don't be the one with needles please. I didn't want to seem weak by crying but then the doctor told me it was the one with needles and i just broke and sobbed into my mums arms. He then sent me to the hospital immediately to get my body some much needed insulin.

I cried all the way to the hospital thinking about how my life was going to change and how could i cope. Why me? What did i do to get this? I sat in the dull hospital waiting room and waited to be called, where they taught me everything i could handle in two hours. I can honestly say hospitals aren't all bad because the nurses in the diabetes clinic are so nice, they treat me like an adult and have just made me happy with coping with what I've got. Ive now had diabetes for two weeks and i am coping really well. Today i changed from two injections to four and that was a bit of a daunting idea but at least i can eat what i want and i will get used to it.

Honestly it was very scary when i first found out but now i can say Ive overcome my fear of needles and i can handle doing what i need to do to keep myself healthy. I can still eat the things i like in moderation and its not stopping me doing things. The thing to remember is to not let the diabetes control you, you have to control the diabetes which it what im coming to grips with.

So that's today blogpost, if you read this and you have diabetes please just comment or message me because id love to have a friend that's in the same situation as me, or if your reading this and you know of someone in my situation direct them to my blog please!

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